Skyrocketing Gas Prices Benefit Credit Card Companies - News Story - WSB Atlanta
I went to get gas this weekend and was presently surprised at how much it cost to fill up my six cylinder. This is damn ridiculous, how are we to survive if gas prices cost as much as a household bill, I def feel people who are out of work, sh** to get anywhere you gotta buy an arm and give up your legs. This is the Raw Deal People we are getting screwed when the hell is it OK to pay $4 for a gallon of anything that can disappear within seconds, BullS**t. This has gotta get better or there will definitely be a influx on homeless working class. Let me know what you think about these rising gas prices.
Yall already know that if this place in on Te Raw Deal what about to go down. This Historic building was once a firehouse here in Atlanta and was recently bought and renovated to be what it is known now as Negril Village a Jamaican restaurant When I stumbled across this place on North Ave I was so happy to see a Jamaican restaurant close by, so I did some investigations and noticed that nobody really goes there, why is that I wondered? So I decided to go in and check it out, it was beautifully designed and decorated, so I looked at the menu to see what they had, the first issue is that their food is over priced, why does a oxtails just the meat cost $16 okay so I ordered them and they tasted ok not as good as Mangos another Caribbean restaurant located on Aurbun Ave, anyway I also tasted their salt fish fritters (gross). So I then thought to myself the overpriced menu and the not so good food must be the reason the place is so empty, but I always want to help out a fellow Islander so I spoke to the supposed owner Sim Walker about doing a night at the location which had a beautiful lounge on the second floor. At the beginning the "owner" seemed really nice and encouraging with the Reggae Wednesday Night that I was doing, but then the funny business started happening, the "we have another event on that night" bullsh*t so all my promo went to hell then the none payment began then the sudden drop and breach of contract happened. Needless to say this place is a black hole that nothing good will come from it, no matter how you dress a pig its still a pig, so no matter how nice it looks, there is a reason why it is always empty. So take if from me never do business with these people they don't pay and don't honor contracts, JUST BAD BUSINESS!!!
So this Saturday Lifetime aired the Aaliah Biopic, the actress Alexandra Shipp played the singer in the movie. The movie was produced by Wendy Williams production company and had some controversy earlier on with the family of the deceased singer not releasing any information along with being against the release of the film. Well Wendy should have listened to the family and stopped production, because the film was trash and disgrace to the legacy of Aaliyah. For one this is not just some singer that died, Aaliyah was like a sister to us all her life and death affected so many people that to do her movie required a certain type of delicate planning and casting. To me it appeared that they did not take the time to cast the movie correctly and the story line was so blah that it made me cringe every moment. Aaliyah story is so heart felt and I lacked to find a moment in the movie where it touched me because of the bad acting and the awful casting. I honestly feel this movie should be ripped from rebroadcast and put in a vault never to be aired again because it does no justice to our princess of R&B. Apparently a lot of people felt the same way, the internet has been buzzing with a criticism since the biopic aired.
These are a few of the cast members along with the actual people, what were they thinking, then the acting was horrible. This movie was just plain disrespectful. The documentary that came after the movie aired was way better than the movie. Leave a comment let me know what you all think about the Lifetime Biopic of Aaliyah.
So I recently got an invite to a shoe happy hour here in Atlanta, the store that was having it was Tyiese Scarpa. The shoes are nice looking but the price was outrageously high. I'm a total shoe fanatic and I really liked the shoes although they are nothing really to write home about, but the high prices almost made me nauseous ( to make up for it they have nice accesories and great handmade soap). The owner is really nice and the atmosphere was good so I would recommend that if you are in the Midtown area to check them out.
So I was invited to go to Primal last Friday and decided to go why, because the last time I went to this club I had major fun. Well lets just say that was not the case this time, lets see where to start. Okay the line, the line was not that deep (should have known) but they had a cut line or VIP as they call it for $20 so my cousins and i decided to stay in the regular line ( note I really don't do lines, but it was for my cuz), then the Ratchetness walked by with a clip board in hand, my cuz asked a regular question how much is it to get in, Ratchet's response " I don't do quotes" What the f***, I tell you you give people a clip board and a tag they think they above what they really do , of course I had to take a picture of this mess ( pic below) cause on top of her attitude she was the wackest... Okay so the story gets better we get to door $20 to get in ( I really could have saved time in the fake a** VIP line) anyways get in and the place is not as packed as I remember. If you all are not familiar with Primal (in Atlanta) it has about four rooms (section) the main room, the reggae room the lounge ares and the sky lounge all were empty except the main room, music was garbage all radio (down south ) hits all night no variety, so we decided to go to the reggae room ( which the DJ himself did not show up to) and sit down, while sitting there we were greeted by a rat, yes that's right a RAT ( not a snitch) but a rodent. Team grouse!!! After telling the bartender and he seemed not to care but for his own protection I had to leave. Primal step you game up and get pest control even on the outside with the Ratchet and her clip board.
Skyrocketing Gas Prices Benefit Credit Card Companies - News Story - WSB Atlanta
I went to get gas this weekend and was presently surprised at how much it cost to fill up my six cylinder. This is damn ridiculous, how are we to survive if gas prices cost as much as a household bill, I def feel people who are out of work, sh** to get anywhere you gotta buy an arm and give up your legs. This is the Raw Deal People we are getting screwed when the hell is it OK to pay $4 for a gallon of anything that can disappear within seconds, BullS**t. This has gotta get better or there will definitely be a influx on homeless working class. Let me know what you think about these rising gas prices.

Okay so we all know the story of Eddie Long and his in the closet behavior well as suspected he is a trifling down low brother nothing else, he settled out of court with his accusers for 1.5 million dollars, sooo Eddie this doesn't mean you guilty then what does. Now to add insult to injury his most dedicated supporter Dr. Bernice King has separated her self from him and his church, can't be mad at her who wants to follow or support a Down low fake prophet. People wait for the last bell to ring (when his wife leave his a**) that's when its truly over for him and she is a sister so it won't take long. Let me know what you all think about this story.
Okay we have all been the victim of Swizz Beats xwife and her cry for attention for the past 3 or so years, now she is a part of VH1 Love and Hip Hop with the other has beens. I am so tired of her and her attempts to be relevant, now she braces the cover of King magazine obviously airbrushed to look good, but her face still looks like a deer in head lights. Please hun keep it moving, find your dignity and a new career because nobody cares about your sad life. Alert she has a new album coming out, buuut we didn't care about your other albums so why come back out. I am sooo over her, I guess I got turned off when she was tryna get the world involved in her marital affairs, handle your biz yourself and stop tryna get sympathy. Sooo pathetic chic.
Lets talk about checking baggage at the airport. So now not only do we have to strip damn near naked at the security but we cant even pack what we want. Listen people Im a female it is just in our nature to have alot of options when it comes to clothes and shoes, to limit us to 50 pounds per checked bag is an insult. People please dont ever go over that 50lbs limit, even by 5lbs you will be paying $100 plus, which is highway roberry. But if you do find yourself in a predicament such as I did when your luggage weighs 72lbs, dont panic go to the airport gift shop and purchase another peice of luggage and transfer your ish, then you can either carry it on if you dont already have a carry on or ask the person your traveling with to check it under their name it will cost about $35. This will save you money and headache.