Rumors have it that Ri Ri is pregos, but I just can't see her having a baby at this point in her career, plus who would b the baby daddy, that would be a Maury moment ( come on we all know Rihanna is a freak). Anyway she performed on the XFactor in London last week, she looks like a little girl.

Vivica Fox was spotted on the red carpet at a toys for tots event, is it me or has Vivica put on hella weight. IDK. well she was not wearing her engagement ring so it is safe to say marriage is not in the near future, better luck next time.
Okay so why is Usher pushing these big kids in a stroller this is the most ghetto looking ish ever Usher first off your a guy, so you can carry them and second they are at least three to four years old.
Ahww! Monica and Mary were spotted hanging out at the Luckie lounge in the ATL this week end, they look like home girls.
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